Best Living Zone
October 22, 2024

Stay Hydrated & The Proper Way To Drink Water

Water is really important for our body and our planet. We can find water on the ground, in ice and even inside our bodies! Our body needs water to function properly. Proper hydration helps keep our joints, brain and spinal cord healthy and our hearts and minds are mostly made up of water. But we lose water every day when we sweat, go to the bathroom, and breathe. So we need to drink enough water to compensate for what we lose. If we don’t have enough water, we can become dehydrated, which can make us tired and moody and affect the way our brain works. We should know about proper hydrations tips as drinking too much water can also be harmful to us, so we need to find the right balance.

In this blog we will explain about proper hydration tips or can say how to stay hydrated & the proper way to drink water.

Don’t Drink Your Water, Eat Your Water

It means that you should take a sip and swish it in your mouth for a bit and then gulp it down.  

Doing this create saliva in your mouth, which mixes with water just like how saliva is necessary for digesting food, its necessary to digest liquid too. When we talk about “eating your water,” we are essentially talking about consuming foods that have a high water content. For example, for proper hydration, you can have many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cucumber, lettuce and strawberries, are naturally high in water and can help keep your body hydrated. When you eat these foods, your body absorbs the water along with other nutrients in them. This means that not only do you have to rely solely on drinking water to stay hydrated, but you can also get water from the foods you eat.

Drink Water At The Right Temperature

When it comes to drinking water, there is no one “right” temperature that works for everyone. Some people prefer cold water, some prefer warm water and others prefer room temperature water.

Cold Water

Drinking cold water can cause some people to experience symptoms of cold temperature shock, such as sore throat, headache, or upset stomach. Additionally, cold water can slow down digestion, which can lead to bloating or constipation. In rare cases, drinking very cold water can also lead to muscle cramps and hypothermia, which is a dangerous drop in body temperature that can lead to decreased heart rate and joint pain.

 Hot Water

Drinking warm water can be mostly beneficial for digestion and can also help in relieving congestion and sore throat. Some people also find that drinking warm water makes them feel more relaxed. However, be careful not to drink water that is too hot, as this can cause a burning sensation or burn.

Room temperature water – Drinking water at room temperature is a good choice for most people, as very cold or very hot water can be a sudden shock to the body. The body has to work twice as hard to bring it to room temperature and then distribute it to the rest of the body.

Solution – In summer, if you prefer cold water, the best solution is to use clay pots. Clay pots naturally cool the water down to the right temperature your body needs without bothering your stomach. The earthen pitcher keeps the water cool and refreshing, prevents dehydration and helps maintain overall health.

In colder months, you can drink lukewarm water, avoiding very cold or very hot water. This easy-to-drink solution is especially recommended for people with sensitive teeth or tooth sensitivity. Drinking lukewarm water during the colder months is a great way to support our body’s natural functions and promote digestion, making it easier for our bodies to break down food and absorb nutrients. It helps to get relief from respiratory problems, when we drink hot water, it helps to clear the nasal passage, relaxes the throat and gives relief from cough and congestion.

Cold water can constrict blood vessels and slow down the digestive process, while hot water can irritate the stomach lining. Lastly, drinking room temperature water can also benefit your digestive system. Room temperature water is easily absorbed and helps in smooth running of the digestive system.

Drink Water At The Right Time - Don’t Drink Immediately Before And After Eating

Optimum Water Consumption Timing and Digestion

It’s important to drink water the right way to get the maximum benefits. Many people unknowingly harm their bodies by drinking water incorrectly. According to Ayurveda, we have a “digestive fire” in our stomach that helps in digesting the food we eat. When we eat, our body’s temperature rises for better digestion, but drinking water just after meals instantly dilutes the gastric juices and it reduces the body’s ability to digest food. As a result, the food may not be digested properly and can rot within the system, making it difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients from it.

Effect Of Water Intake Timing On Digestive Health

Drinking water during or immediately after meals can also put out the digestive fire, which may lead to digestive problems like gas, flatulence, and acidity. So to prevent this remember to keep a gap of 1 hour to drink water before or after eating. If you must drink water during a meal, try to only take one or two small sips by squirting the water into your mouth before swallowing. This will help you stay hydrated without putting out your digestive fire.

Balancing Water Intake And Digestive Fire

Our stomach has an acidic environment, while the saliva in our mouth is alkaline and helps to neutralize the acid in our stomach. However, when we drink a lot of water quickly, very little saliva mixes with it, which means it can’t balance the acid in our stomach. This can lead to problems like indigestion and acidity. To prevent indigestion and acidity, one should sip water slowly and add saliva to it. Remember that everyone’s body is different, so it’s important to listen to your body and drink water based on what feels good for you. So, stay hydrated and happy.

When to Drink Water

It is advised to listen to your body and drink water whenever you feel thirsty. It is especially beneficial to start your morning by drinking lukewarm water immediately after waking up, before washing your face or engaging in other activities. It helps hydrate your body and speed up your metabolism. Drinking water from a copper vessel kept overnight may offer potential health benefits such as aiding digestion, boosting the immune system and aiding in weight loss.

Negative Effects Of Excessive Water Consumption

Proper hydration is very important but drinking too much water when you are not thirsty washes away important things in your body called electrolytes. These electrolytes help your body function properly by taking in nutrients and removing waste. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking enough water, but drinking too much can cause problems. To avoid overhydration, it’s important to listen to your body’s signals and drink water when you’re thirsty. Overhydration can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, confusion and seizures, so it is important to drink water in moderation and not drink too much.

What Quantity Of Water Is Advisable For Daily Consumption?

Determining how much water you need to drink per day depends on your lifestyle. Since everyone’s water needs are different, there is no set amount of water you should be taking in every day. Your diet, level of physical activity and environment all affect how much water you should drink. However, there’s a simple way to check if you’re drinking enough water or not, just look at the color of your urine. Checking the color of your urine can give you an indication of whether you are adequately hydrated. Dark yellow urine is often a sign that you need to drink more water to avoid dehydration, while pale yellow or nearly clear (white) urine indicates that your body is well hydrated. By looking at the color of your urine, you can easily determine whether you need to maintain or increase your water intake to keep your body properly hydrated.

Importance of Adequate Hydration for Wellness

Keeping yourself hydrated is important for your overall health and feeling good. For proper hydration, drinking 1-3 liters of water daily, depending on your lifestyle, can help cleanse your body from within, strengthen your organs to function properly, and promote healthy blood circulation. It also helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, improve skin health and prevent headaches and fatigue. So be sure to make hydration a priority and keep a water bottle handy throughout the day.

Don’t Drink In Plastic Bottles

It is highly recommended that you avoid using plastic bottles to store your drinking water as it can make the water inside them unhealthy. Store-bought plastic bottles may have been filled and sealed several months before they arrive on the shelves for us to buy and the water inside may have lost its vitality and freshness. Additionally, the micro plastics in these bottles can leach into the water, posing a potential health risk to our bodies.

To ensure the safety and freshness of your drinking water, it is better to use copper, steel, or glass bottles, which are durable and can keep your water free from any harmful chemicals. By making this simple change, you can help protect your health and the environment, as well as enjoy the many benefits of drinking clean and fresh water.

Why Is Staying Hydrated Important?

Proper hydration is more important for our body. We are made up of about 70% water, so we need to drink enough water every day to stay healthy. Water helps our body stay at the right temperature, helps us digest our food and flushes out waste from our body. Dehydration can cause many symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dark yellow urine, headache, dizziness, fatigue, dry skin and constipation. In severe cases, it can also cause confusion, fast heartbeat, low blood pressure and fainting. To avoid these symptoms, it is important to drink enough water throughout the day and especially during physical activity or hot weather.

Correct Position to Drink Water

It helps us to drink slowly and comfortably when we sit and drink water. This can make it easier for our body to digest and absorb water. But this does not mean that drinking water while standing is bad. Sitting is recommended because standing or walking makes it difficult for the kidneys to store water properly, which can upset the fluid balance in our body. Therefore, it is best to drink water slowly in a comfortable sitting position to allow for proper digestion and absorption.


Water is essential to life on Earth, and it helps regulate our body temperature, transport nutrients and get rid of waste. So always remember to drink water properly and stay hydrated.


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